Filorga NCTF 135HA 法国菲洛嘉 青春动能素

        Of the late 70, medical Aesthetic French, dr. Michel Tordjman, a passion for cell biology, meet him around college of specialist for launching a program for advanced reserch on aging skin.
      OBJECTIVE: TO better understand the aging process and deal with a therapy combining global medical technology anti-aging complementary to effectively treat wrinkles, of course, but also issues related to lack of firmness or radiance of the skin.
      Pioneers in the field, Laboratories FILORGA based on the results of this work to develop the 90 organic products capable of fighting all signs of aging: Mesotherapy anti-aging (the famous complex poly-conditioner NCTF), glylic peels (with GlyKopeel),a nd injectable fillers (with C-HA3, the first multi-linked hyaluronic acid). In 2007, Les Laboratoties FILORGA give birth to the first range of French dermo-cosmetics directly after cosmetic surgery.

    Widely acclaimed in over 40 countries by dermatologists, doctors and aesthetic plastic surgeons, Laboratoires FILORGA are recognised as expertc of skin aging. In 2006, the new reserach and production FILORGA Laboratories has been awarded the ISO13485 certifies that an organisation meets the standards governing the manufacture of medical devices and more recently, OSEO Anvar has awarded them the qualification “for Innovative Business. The brand has become over the years one of the key players for anti-aging medicine.

NCTF 135HA: Revitalising anti-ageing mesotherapy solutions

NCTF 135HA is specially designed for the biostimulation of human skin cells. It stimulates the circulation and under the skin, so nutrients can get better spot. It also creates human tissue for a well-defined and balanced nutritional environment that the growth of fibroblasts (for the firmness of the skin care) and stimulates skin cells.

This is one of the most effective and useful resources for anti-aging treatment.Filorga's NCTF 135HA is the perfect mesotherapy for individuals requiring more intense revitalization and repair of loose, tired skin, deep wrinkles and redensification of mature or slack skin. There has been 10 years of success in treating over one million patients with this highly effective anti-aging therapy.

NCTF 135HA is a concentrated formula, with 200x more active ingredient than NCTF 135. Treatment areas include: Face,  Neck,  Décolleté,  Back of the hands,  Inside of the arms , Inside of the legs, Abdomen. NCTF 135HA is formulated with hyaluronic acid as a top active ingredient.

Hyaluronic acid is a major component of skin where it is involved in repairing damage. Age and exposure to UVB rays degrade hyaluronic acid production and have a detrimental effect on its continued production. Scientific research has shown that the main component of NCTF 135HA is also necessary for collagen production and is integral to the natural skin hydration process.

The medical community is administering hyaluronic acid at an ever increasing rate to aid in tissue repair and achieve anti-aging results. NCTF 135HA uses highly purifiedhyaluronic acid which is obtained through bio-fermentation with no animal origins, resulting in perfect biocompatibility.

Independent testing by a French research center have seen impressive results: 
90% anti-radical protection (Cellular Protection)
256%collagen synthesis (Redensification)
366%elastase inhibitor gene expression (Regeneration)

The skin texture of participants also responded dramatically after being treated with NCTF 135HA:
72%wrinkle and fine wrinkle reduction
102%improvement of tonus
132%improvement of hydration
144%improvement of brightness

The unique revitalizing formulation of Filorga's NCTF 135HA is associated with a number of factors that promote wrinkle repair and anti-aging benefits.
【Fourteen vitamins 】including A, B, C and E, stimulate vital cell functioning.
【Twenty-four amino acids】 promote protein production which leads to increased amounts of elastin and collagen.
【Two anti-oxidants】 capture free-radicals, leading to greater health and longevity.

Wrinkle treatment
53 ingredients +1 active repair of cutaneous damages
Active and exogenous hydration
Hyaluronic Acid reduces Insensitive Water Loss
Brightness/Radiance optimization
Hyaluronic Acid encourages angiogenesis
Ionic Balancing
Ca+, K+, Mg+, Na+ Overcome mineral deficiencies

【Treated zones】
Back of the hands
Inside of the arms
Inside of the legs
Hyaluronic acid: A top active ingredient…
Hyaluronic acid contained in NCTF135® and NCTF135HA® revitalising solutions compensates for the natural loss in endogenous hyaluronic acid and redensifies the dermis. Its strong hygroscopic potential enables it to capture up to 30 times its volume in water. It also provides excellent cutaneous repair by acting on cellular proliferation and regulating cutaneous microcirculation.
…associated with a unique revitalising cocktail
12 vitamins (A, B, C, E) – Stimulate vital functions of cells
23 amino acids – Encourage protein production (elastin, collagen, etc.)
6 coenzymes – Catalyse bio-chemical reactions of tissues
5 nucleic acid bases – Activate cellular communication
6 minerals – Prevent and act on skin deficiencies
1 anti-oxydants – Capture free radicals

Mesotherapy is a biological and progressive treatment that requires a minimum of 6 sessions (3 months) in order for a skin to be maximally.
3 sessions spaced out by 15 days
3 sessions spaced out by one month
~~with the details of ~~
Phase 1. Initialize; 4 sessions with an interval of 1 week to 15 days.
Phase 2. Repair; 2 sessions with a month interval.
Phase 3. Maintain; 1 sessions every 2 to 6 months.
Determine suitable treatment intervals according to the indications of each patient. Revitalizing mature skins requires a more recurrent treatment pace than younger skin.
Duration of the treatment : typically a treatment lasts between 15 minutes and 30 minutes depending on the surface cutaneous area to treat.
Treatment Renewal: 1 session every 3 months


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【产品规格】 3mlX5/盒
【产品名称】 菲洛嘉全方位能量青春素135HA

菲洛嘉全方位能量青春素 拥有CE认证,法国认可的试验研究中心证明:
成纤维细胞增长147% 胶原蛋白合成达256% 抵制自由基率达90% 弹性蛋白酶抑制基因高达366% 全新配方的 NCTF135HA 全方位能量素是经过法国菲洛嘉实验室经年累月的新老研究成果。先有研究人员选择最为珍贵有效的活性植物精华,将其保存在最纯净最新鲜状态注入配方之中。全方位能量青春素加添新的元素为干燥缺水及敏感肌肤提供绝佳的锁水滋养抗皱效果,更唤醒细胞的自我修复能力,加强皮肤防御能力,温含活肤及抗氧化作用,提供皮肤所需的养分及氧气,增强皮肤吸收功能,收紧毛孔,排走沉淀毒素,抵抗游离基,从内部深处唤醒人体细胞,使其恢复正常的细胞分裂速度,再生分化新细胞,使细胞更具有活力,令肌肤柔软嫩滑。

【产品成分】 维他命 氨基酸 矿物质 辅酶 核酸
【使用方法】视个人皮肤而异 5次为一个疗程 适合注射部位:脸部、脖子、胸前、手背、手臂内侧、大腿内侧、肚脐周围。