Korea LipoLAB 利宝特 溶脂

Korea LipoLAB 利宝特 溶脂

LIPO LAB is a product of melting of the subcutaneous fat.The subcutaneous fat and is not intended to melt with LIPOSTABIL. LIPO LAB is a good product is safe and effective. The subcutaneous fat to melt LIPO LAB PPC is done at 10-15 days interval.

LIPO LAB PPC is a product completely different from the LIPOSTABIL. LIPOSTABIL injections have many side effects e.g. skin necrosis, and muscle stiffness etc。Lipo Lab has been developed in order to care the body more easily and quickly by selecting raw materials made in Germany which is known for safety, effectiveness and the best purity of 99.8% and by setting it to be used in hospitals and clinics.

Lipo Lab was designed in order to solve a problem in package due to the product's going bad and to save trouble to keep it refrigerated when storing the products by performing aseptic processing under 1,000 of atmospheric pressure of higher and gamma sterilization, and to be used conveniently and safely by thoroughly blocking infection by virus.

How to use: inject 0.2cc of 2% lidocaine(local pain relief effect) and 2.5cc of L-carnitine for each ampoule

Specifications:Injection solution

Origin:Made in Korea

Raw material:
1. Phosphatidylcholine:purity:99.8% Made in Germany
2. Sodium Deoxycholate:purity:98% Made in Japan

Packing :
1kit of 10ml x 10 vial(ampoule)

 韩国超强LipoLab来袭现货..1000mg,高純度,无需麻醉,被称为“Botox第二”。已在60多个国家受欢迎。溶脂王国的利器~ 优势: 进口韩国利宝特大容量,一瓶10ml,一盒10支。一盒等于两盒用;不红不肿,入针不痛,顾客不用做完休息,不影响工作与生活;边溶脂边提升,4D升级提拉素;效果显著,溶脂温和,提升收紧消脂同步到位!价格优势!   局部溶脂针,有的人一次效果就很好,有的人第二次三次才会明显,很多人第一次注射后15天效果不明显,隔一个15天后第二次注射迅速消瘦,并且局部溶脂是永久的,非常受欢迎但是时间应该控制在15天到一个月...没有依赖性、更没有任何激素和副作用、不会反弹。 


【 规格】 一盒10支装,10ml/支 
【适应症】 下巴、颈肩部位、上背部及副乳部位、蝴蝶袖、腰部、下背部、腹部、马鞍部位、臀下部位、大腿内外侧等有脂肪位置。 
分点: 每个点间隔为1-1.5cm。 
脸部 : 每点注射0.2 CC - 0.25CC。每次 约1瓶。 
身体 : 
1、腹部、腰部:腹部、腰部每点注射最多为0.5CC。每次 2-4瓶。 
3、胳膊:每点注射0.2CC-0.3CC。 每次注射约1瓶。 
【见效周期】 注射后在脂肪层内需 2 - 4 周的时间进行溶解可见效。注射三次即有明显效果。 建议在第一次注射后的4-6周再补一次根据部位的不同,及脂肪堆积程度的不同进行补针,效果更加。